You can fill your words with faith or you can fill your words with love that will melt the coldest heart. Jesus told the woman with the issue of blood that it was her faith spoken out of her lips that had made her whole (Mark 5:34). The woman with the issue of blood in Mark chapter 5 spoke her faith and her faith made her a victor. Our lips can make us victors or keep us captives.

Our lips can make us millionaires or keep us paupers. And that is exactly what came to pass - I was healed! I was confessing my sickness instead of my health!So I immediately started saying I was well when people asked me how I felt. One day as I lay on the bed, I began to analyze my situation and to ask myself where I was failing in faith. As soon as I would say I didn't feel good, I would begin feeling even worse.

I would answer that it wasn't because I didn't always feel good, and my heartbeat was still irregular and beating sporadically. After I was healed, people would ask me if my heart was better. Nelson once said, "More people lose their healing over a counterattack than any other thing." I almost lost my own healing that way. “ Death and life are in the power of the tongue”

The Word of God in your heart and on your lips gives you power over disease, demons, and evil circumstances and causes you to walk in victory in Christ in every area of your life. It will teach you how the Word of God must be on your lips. We shall be looking into the law of Confession in the next three lessons. That word has to become a part of your daily conduct and actions. It has to become a part of your daily speech. In other words, the Word that you feed on has to be exercised daily. Reading and meditating on the Word will feed your faith and build a capacity for faith, but faith must also be a part of our daily speech. Simply reading and meditating upon the Word will not build faith. We also discovered that Faith is fed by feeding on God's Word and your faith will grow by exercising it (acting on the word of God). The three studies on The God-Kind of faith established the fact that God gave every believer the measure of faith before we can be born again.